Tuh Selibraat

Newcassell Yoonytid Fyeutbaal Klub

Howay the Lads

Hell'ow frem toon1892.com

Thuh histree ov Newcassell Yoonytid Fyeutbaal Klub iyz aa geet laang iynd aan geet pryeud one. Alreet whyiv sum canny low bits aan'aal. Beginin whi thuh get tugethaa ov Newcassell East End iynd Newcassell West End thaay bekum 'Yoonytid' iyn 1892. Thiss siyt, toon1892.com, gaans thru thaat histree.

Waay'iyn theez paygez, yoo'l fyind thuh rekordz iynd staatisstiks ov aal thuh kompetiytiv gaaymz, (iynd aa growiyn numbaa ov non-kompetiytiv gaaymz aan'aal), aal thuh gaffaz iynd aal thuh plaayaz ov Newcassell Yoonytid Fyeutbaal Klub. Wiych aal meenz, yuh haav aal thuh gaaymz, aal thuh plaayaz, aal thuh gaffaz, aal thuh go'ullz, iynd ivvreethying thaat gans iynbyitween…


Newcassell Yoonytid plaa'aaz frem 1892 thuh nyeu. Owworvyeu iv ivvree plaaya whe hez bin iyn aa Forst Teem fer Newcassell, aal iyn aa sorchibbil, sortibbil aan filtribbil lyist, hoo mennee gyems thaay weor iyn, hoo mennee tyims thaay skorrd, aan uttha stuff aan’aal. Wiv ivvree lyist theors thuh kompleet rekkord owiynlee aa clikk awaa.

  • Mohamed Diame
  • Jamaal Lascelles
  • Paul Dummett
  • Joelinton
  • Peter Beardsley
  • Jackie Milburn


Howay man, yer knaa wiv hed sum geet canny gaffaz iyt Newcassell owwa thuh yeors, sortinlee wiv hed sum canny baad wens aan aal.

Theors bin thuh reelee geet nyems (ah rekkon eneewaa) leik Joe Harvey, Bobby Robson, Kevin Keegan, aan theors bin thuh steady wens leik Arthur Cox, Jim Smith, Willie McFaul, etc.

Ovkorse theors bin thuh wens ah wuddint giv thuh tyeim iv daay tuh, fer me aa' reezuns, leik Allardyce, Gullitt, Lee aan Dinnis. Theors aalcee bin thuh wens ah nivva knaan ennewaa, bifowwa me tyeim leik, but thaay browt us bowth Leeg aan Cup sukksess.

Hooevvaa, iyt duzzint reelee maator whethor thaay weor gud, bad, indiffrint, urr bifowwa yer tyeim, thaay weor heor aan theor rekkords urr heor aanaal. Yer’ll cee aal theor reesults bi owwa’aal totuls aan bi compitisshun anaal. Yer nivva knaa yer maa sorprize yersell aan fyind eyeut thaat yer faavrit gaffa wez eevin bettor thaan yer thowt, mebbees whoarse aanal leik, eneewaa, theor aal heor fer yer.

Eddie Howe
Eddie Howe


Newcassell Yoonytid gaaymz feom 1892 tuh reet nyeu.

Ovwwavview ov ivvree kompetiytiv gaaym Newcassell hev plaay'd since theor beekum Yoonytid iyn 1892 - iyd sum frem befowwa thaat aan'aal. Yer kaan seorch, sort iyn filltaa thuh lyist iyn aanywaa yer liek. Iyt haaz aal thuh 'iyt aa glance' daataa yer need, liek daayt, grund, go'ullz skord, go'ullz lett iyn, whe wuh plaays, kompetishun, iyn othaa stuff aan'aal.

Eech entree lyinkz tuh thuh full aan kompleet rekord fer thuh gaaym.

Matchday Programme Cover
Newcastle v Everton, Good Friday 1966

Ivvreethying Ellce

Thuh Ivvreethying Ellce byit iiz baasik'lee thuh gaaytwaay tuh aal thuh utthaa stuff on thuh syit.

Ivreethying thaat kannit gaan intuh aa 'canny lyittil box', lyiek plaayaaz, gaffaz, gaaymz, iynd thuh lyiek, yull fyind heor iyn this bit.

Four NOWT!

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