~ for Newcastle United fans everywhere…
Links and Appreciations
This is where I would just like to say a very special thank you to some people who have assisted me along the way in building up this website. People who have have taken the time and made the effort to help with various comments and corrections and additions - so to you all a very special Thank You.

Extra special thanks to...

George Don MichailidisLook-up on Facebook

George is a devoted Newcastle United supporter of Greek nationality and member of the Hellenic Toon Army, a Greek supporters club. He was instrumental in bringing about the translation of this site into Greek. He selflessly, and painstakingly, went through each and every page of the site, every menu system and even down to the "quirky" comments I make within some descriptions - an absolutely fantastic effort by him. My biggest thanks therefore go out to George Don Michailidis.

  • Mike Stennett who's assistance has been invaluable in filling in some missing data and who's statistical acumen has been equally invaluable in identify some anomilies in the data - thanks Mike. I wish I could pay you, but unfortunately this is as good as it gets, I hope it goes some way in showing my appreciation.
  • Jan Bithell who spotted that the game on 22/04/2006 had an excess of N'Zogbia's, I had him at right-back as well as on the left-wing, oops! The right-back should have been Stephen Carr of course, apologies if it caused anyone any problems.
  • John Allan who spotted that on the 1993-94 season summary I had recorded a 'Martin' Allen instead of course 'Malcolm' Allen. Thanks to John for that and apologies if it caused anyone any problems.
  • David Cooper of Tolo (in the Argolid region of Greece) who spotted that a large portion of the career of Kevin Gallacher had been attributed to John Gallacher - a data entry error by myself when cataloging the games (in my database John is No.258 and Kevin is No.259). Thanks to David for that, and his continuing support, and apologies if it caused anyone any problems.
  • Denis Tweddle of Grahamstown who pointed out that I had listed Gordon Marshall at Left-Back in various matches in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Of course Gordon was the Goalkeeper and the Left-Back should have been Frank Clark. Thanks to Denis for that and apologies if it caused anyone any problems.
  • Mark English who spotted that I had typed 1982 instead of 1892 for some of the entries on the "Firsts" section of the Trivia page. Thanks Mark.