~ fer fans iv Newcassell Yoonytid ivvreewheor...

Ronald Ron Orr


Aal Kompitisshuns

The toon1892 Chronicles

Daayt iv Borth:6th August 1876
Borth Plaayc:Bartonholm, Ayrshire, Scotland
Daayt Dye‘d:21st March 1924
Hoo Taa’l:5' 5"   [1.65m]
Plaays iyt:Inside-Forward
Forst Gyem:07/09/1901 vs. Blackburn Rovers
Last Game:11/03/1908 vs. Preston North End
Kompetiytiv Appeerinzez
Kompetiytiv Go’ullz / Kaardz
Uthaa Gyems

Thyis bit izzent finshed aand iz updaytid aal thuh tyiem

Izz mair izz knaa’n abyeut frendleez ind thuh liek theez numbaaz cud change.

Go’ullz Go’ullz23
Byi: Kenneth H Scott
Ritten Laa’st:
Re-calculating, please wait... Woakin iyt euyt, haang abyeut...
No. V Sort by this columnDaayt F A R Otthor Syied On/Off Kaardz Go’ullz Kompitisshun


Wheor ah red iyt

Owwaa ind abuv thuh byeukz, ind liek, yer see heor yer kinn aalsa reefur tuh thyem thyit aa taak’d abyeut iyn aal gyemz thyis porsun hez taakyin paart iyn.

SFA (ud) Archive Robert McColl - A Squad,The Scottish Football Association,Link (as of last access date), [Last Accessed: 23/02/2010]

Baldursson, Arnie (ed) (ud) Players - Ronald Orr,,Link (as of last access date), [Last Accessed: 12/03/2021]

Anon (1902) Football. England v. Scotland,The Times,Monday, May 5th, 1902 [p14],

Scott, Kenneth H. (2015) Newcastle United Day by Day,2015,KayLynM Publishing Newcastle upon Tyne, England.ISBN: 978-0-9934201-0-8

Scott, Kenneth H. (2017) Football League 1904-05 Champions Newcastle United,2017,KayLynM Publishing Newcastle upon Tyne, England.ISBN: 978-0-9934201-3-9

IMPORTANT!: Pleez Reed